Welcome to Hebron Elementary PTG!
Our Mission Statement
The Hebron Elementary PTG is a nonprofit group created to enrich the educational
experience for all children at Hebron Elementary School. Working together, teachers, parents and the community foster an environment conducive to the growth of all students. The PTG also organizes fundraising and sponsors school events, which deepen community spirit and enhance our children's social anddevelopmental experiences at Hebron Elementary School.
Who can be a part of the PTG?
Everyone can be involved! We have meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month in the Elementary Library. Volunteer opportunities come in all sizes. We look for help with the bake sale at the Arts and Crafts Fair, Grandparent's Day, Honor Roll Breakfast, Boxt Tops and Aunt Millie's collections, Kindergarten Round Up, Food and Coat Drive collections, and other activities throughout the year.
What does the PTG sponsor for our children?
Our PTG sponsors numerous programs including: all school convocations, Math and Spell Bowl competions, Grandparent's Day, Attendance Award parites, Honor Roll breakfast, Kindergarten Round Up, Box Tops and Aunt Millie's award parties, and the Food and Coat Drive collections as well as the Staff Appreciation Breakfast.
Through our fundraising, we have also been able to contribute to larger projects such as: replacing playgound mulch, funding teacher supplies, purchasing the new mural and benches in the lobby, donating funds to the High Flying Book Club, and most recently purchasing Chromebooks for the classrooms to share.
How is fundraising done?
The PTG raises money in various ways. Our biggest is a general fundraiser that is done every other year. Others include: Scrip (gift card sales), the collection of Box Tops for Education and Aunt Millie's, the Arts and Crafts Fair bake sale and Family Night at Pav's. With your continued support of these activities, we can make the best experience for your child at Hebron Elementary School.
Stay Connected!
View the minutes of each monthly meeting @ www.hebronschools.k12.in.us and find our link under the Elementary School tab. Communications can be emailed to hebronptg@gmail.com.
Hooray for snow days!!!!
Clip and paste in a flurry of Box Tops and earn cash for your school . (click on the snowmen for the most current box tops sheet)
Elementary P.T.G. Minutes
September 12, 2016
October 10, 2016
December 12, 2016
January 9, 2017
February 13, 2017
March 13, 2017
April 10, 2017
May 15, 2017